Saving Basset Benjamin

According to Mickey, Benjamin quickly adapted to an ample supply of dog chow, treats, and television.   Guessing that Benjamin was 3 years old and paralyzed, Mickey knew about dog wheelchairs - having tried some competitors brands before.  Although Benjamin had already cost about $2000 in veterinary care and his flight to the US, GABR sprung for a K-9 Cart dog wheelchair.   Benjamin knew what to do immediately when he received his cart - running close to 7 blocks down the street.  Benjamin now has better manners and walks around the neighborhood with Mickey.

Initial hopes were high that with water therapy Benjamin might regaining use of his hind legs, which originally dragged in his K-9 Cart dog wheelchair.  After a year and a half, it looks like Benjamin has instead resigned himself to using a dog wheelchair for the rest of his life.  Benjamin has been quite educational for many in the Guardian Angel Basset basRescue, who never realized there were disabled pets or options like dog wheelchairs.

So how did Benjamin get nominated as a top dog?

Benjamin in his top dog video for WCIU TV

Mickey told us, "So one day as I was watching television (WCIU: the U), here comes a promotional spot where a dog runs across the screen. Then a voice says “here’s Roy from Riverside and he watches ‘Kings and Queen’." So I figure that this is something that Benjamin can do. So I called the station only to be told that you have to register for auditions through their Web Site. Being computer illiterate that I am, I try to register. Nothing happened so a couple of months later, I register again. This goes on for a year and a half. I register and nothing happens."

But eventually, Mickey does receive an email inviting her to a taping.  Without a thought, Mickey takes off work and goes to what turns out to be a huge warehouse.  There was just Benjamin and a Great Dane waiting to be taped.  Well, when Benjamin waddles in saying, "Look at me.  I am the greatest." in his K-9 Cart, the film crew was just floored.

The actual filming area was covered with white paper and the usual bright lights, microphones, and cameras.  First, Benjamin had to stand in the center.  To get him to look at the camera, Mickey walked around behind the cameras.  Well, when no one is paying attention to Benjamin, he just lies down.  Of course in a dog wheelchair, his hind end goes straight up in the air when he lays down.  So everyone was now laughing.

Then Mickey leaves Benjamin in the white area and goes to the other side to call him and get him running.  So when Benjamin runs in his wheelchair, there is a bit of klumpty, klump, klump.  Again, everyone is laughing.  At this point, Benjamin's sign on the back of his cart is visible and that is just priceless.  So now Mickey has to get Benjamin to face the wall so you can see his bumper sticker and then get him to look back over his shoulder.  Benjamin then spins around and once again everyone is laughing.  All-in-all, it sounds like a good time was had by Benjamin, Mickey, and the film crew.

So then Mickey had to explain on tape why Benjamin should  be Top Dog.  The story of coming from Taiwan, being hit by a car, breaking his back, being abandoned, coming to a shelter that enable him to get top medical care, etc.  Well the laughing had stopped at this point.  But Benjamin is a true success story.  He overcame so many odds.  And despite his dog wheelchair, he seems like a typical goofy, funny, full of the devil Basset Hound.

We thank Mickey for sharing her story.  She has told us so many times how much she loves her K-9 Cart dog wheelchair.  This is the third dog wheelchair company she has experience with, and we like to believe her when she says she thinks our dog cart is the best.  She is constantly passing out literature and hoping that Benjamin will educate many children and adults about the joy of ownership of disabled and handicapped pets.


Update September 1, 2009 - Benjamin wins Top U Dog!

We are pleased to announce that Benjamin won as Top U Dog!  Smile


movie-watch-iconSee his video at WCIU TV.